Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Clair De Lune

:by David Garrett. A strings only version. I'm dying it's so good.

intro: I needed a new space to write. the title of my posts will be whatever i'm listening to at the time. lucky for me (and you), i'm listening to one of my favorite songs while writing this post, although it's a version I've never heard before but i love it!

Now that that's over...
I'm feeling a bit antsy where I'm at. Not physically but mentally antsy, maybe even a tad bit emotionally antsy.
Am I the only one who gets like this? I'm ready for a change. I just need a little new in my life, you know? I turn 25 in 3 days and there's a part of me that feels like I've been in the very same place or state of being, if you will, for the past year.
Turning 24 was probably the most emotionally difficult age to turn because of where I was at in life with everything but I got over it and I inevitably turned 24 and I realized that life moves whether or not I will it to do so. So I got through the year, but now I feel like I'm in that same place. Fortunately, I'm not taking it nearly as hard as I did last year but I think it may be because I know what to expect? Maybe not. 25 has always felt like it was going to be the year where expectations would be met so I guess we'll have to see about that (3 days!).
Anyway, here I am an antsy soon to be 25 year old wondering what do I do. I need to metaphorically sit on my hands to keep my mind from running so much and stop my emotions from climbing up and down everything. My mental state is like a "honey boo boo" all hyped up on "go-go" juice right before bed time and it drives me a little nuts. The most frustrating part about it all is that you'd think with such an active mind, I'd be doing something productive with it like creating or planning but instead it's just going all over the place with no clear path. It's even a pain to sit down and get out the thoughts in time on this post. Ah well, nothing a little Debussy cover can't fix am I right?

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